
comments and provisional evaluation

generally, you would be able to review your work looking at the requirements handed out at the beginning of the project.
there is little space for imagination at this moment, you have to produce drawings and text that trigger it. look critically at your document or ask another person to read it and find out if the information presented and the order it is presented in makes sense without you needing to explain the project. 

to all:
-        you need to spell check.
-        your pages need to be numbered and your content page has to reflect those numbers
-        once your design is finalized, you have to look at the document as a whole and possibly re-edit/ re-order the content
-        any analysis is only relevant if it is linked to your design/ framework

general comment
-        the udf is the spatial framework that allows your tower design to become integrated part of the urban fabric.
-        this means that you do not have to repeat generalities of the brief but make it applicable to your design. your building will meet the ground floor, this is where you meet the city. try to explain your design principles/ intentions in plan and section 1:500, where you include the neighboring blocks.

to remember from original hand out:
hand in 2 draft udf 22 august
- drawings: at least 4 a1 size sheets, the submission must include but is not limited to plans,
street sections, elevations, morphological studies, figure ground, axonometric and perspective
representations, the systematic use of photography as tool or urban investigations is
models are highly recommended.
draft document 30-40 a4 pages (landscape) including images and layout

urban design framework
the framework should consist of the following:
- problem statement
- objectives
- design framework – showing all components of the concept
- traffic flows – hierarchy of transport routes, a new design of appropriately scaled local
- key installation and infrastructure – hierarchy of nodes
- open spaces – hierarchy, structure of open spaces, hard and soft urban landscape
- design criteria – sustainability strategy for the building
- implementation strategy

the implementation strategy should be made up of the following:
- phasing drawings – includes economic strategy
- three dimensional drawings of nodal areas expressing integration of your proposed
design in the precinct
- analysis and application of the design framework, positive and negative aspects. how
does the framework integrate with the precinct and neighborhood as a whole? how
does it envisage economic upliftment in the area? how does it address social
integration and attempt to avoid gentrification?
tasmin lee vieira                                            3/10
p2: content: needs page numbers re: chapters of document
revise headings, this is your work, you do not need to write ‘my proposal’
avoid ‘our city’ ‘our site’ and similar expressions
abstract missing
page 4- 5: the text does not read well, consider using diagrams to illustrate what you want to say. make sure it has relevance for your design.
page 6-10: mappings need an introduction, why do you look at what, point out the relevance to design project (not only in the educational diagram), you need sections that complement the plans
p7: graphic cut off
p11: re-write intro paragraph. do not write in the first person, this is a framework, not a personal project description. the development of the framework should be a logical consequence based on findings in the analysis. this is not evident in your document.
p12: the case study needs to be referenced.
page 13 –18: text and diagram/ image do not correlate
your initial intention is not clear: what are you doing, why and how?
a visual arts network needs to be explored much further, existing networks analysed and possibly integrated. the same accounts for the idea of an utopian city within a city. you need to draw and visualize what you write.  there is not enough development at this stage. there is no framework to date.

mathias boer                                                   0.5/10
font and size: has to be consistent throughout the document
layout: no coherent layout of document
p1: content: needs page numbers re: chapters of document
p2: focus: do not repeat your name as author, this is stated in the beginning of your document
[1] what does it refer to?
your site is not in hillbrow [we have previously discussed this]
p3: objective? no information
p4: no relevant information
page 5-6: poor graphics, how are they relevant to the project?
p7: relevance to project? figure does not relate to text.
p8: poor graphic, not related to text.
p9: poor graphic
overall no analysis
page 11-15 : 22 relevance to project?
p16,17: empty
p18:  relevance?
p19-22: repeated images with no specific information
where is your project?
no relevant information re: research and/or design is being communicated. there is no framework to date. the submission is lacking and extremely poor.

hiten bawa                                                      6.5/10
p1-8: layout text, relation – text images could be better.
there are other cities in the world that have not been founded on or near a water body…aachen in germany would be one example, research this and perhaps say the only city in southern Africa or something . . .
p16-23: interesting approach but it is not clear how relevant to the project – colour coding of different areas is not enough. what is the relation to the site of the project? somehow you should relate the areas to your previous analysis on the larger scale.
p27 – 29: check index readability
p31: topography not readable, how is it relevant to the project?
p32-37: interesting, but has to be more explicit how it will influence the framework
p43-49: nice link to previous project, hopefully relevant for the framework . . .
p50: other case studies?
p52 – 66: difficult to comment as there is no information regarding future design
general: seems like a lot of interesting information that has not yet been edited towards a comprehensive urban design framework around the design of a skills tower. what you call framework is at the moment a general analysis. potentially good document.

françois mercer                                              1/10
check spelling, capital letters
p2: page numbers do not correspond to document , no page numbers on pages
p3 (not numbered as such)- [1]  used twice as reference.
problem statement: unclear what you want to say, re-phrase
concept of interpenetrating space re: joburg city and site not clear.
p4-9: very basic analysis
there is no framework to date. very lacking and not concise submission.

samantha trask                                               3.7/10
p5: content page needs page numbers re: document
p10-11: how are these maps relevant to your document? 
p12: (not indicated as such): ref: who did that map, you have to reference!
p13: newtown bubble is not located correctly, thus the diagram is not concise
p14/ 15: no legend, diagrams are thus of no use
p16-22: how does the history/ development inform your project? text should be displayed in 2 columns for better reading
p23-34: relation of text to illustrations missing
formal & informal minibus taxi nodes and following pages: fuzzy map
you need sections through your site, not just plans
the framework intends to support your design on a larger scale. it has to become part of the document asap. there is no framework to date.

dylan watkins                                                 4/10
general: spelling
content page: missing
page numbers: missing
text: font too big? use 2 columns in layout.
abstract: this is not an abstract, that summarizes what you are going to do in your project.
structure: the document contains interesting information, which is, however, not displayed in the required format. it cannot be up to the reader to figure out why one is looking at certain information.  as serious as the research might be, it is not represented in a structured and thus easy accessible way.
there is no framework to date that is explained in the layers required. a green belt might be an interesting approach, but needs more explanation.
the graphic of the sketch sections is nice but needs to be contextualized in a larger more coherent and concise framework.

kyle alllen gates                                             4.2/10
check spelling, capital letters
re-write abstract: city: the whole background of transition, transformation and change is not explained adequately.
page numbers: missing
continental – national diagram: where do people come from? if you talk about migration, it might be important to add that in this diagram
history and heritage: missing
transport routes: relevance for design framework?
mainly plans, only one section so far. you need more + many of those.
design missing, needs to be integrated to develop urban framework.

zoe goodbrand                                                            5/10
this is in addition to the oral feedback on thursday
check spelling, capital letters
contents page: add page numbers
p4: outlines of diagram a bit fuzzy, try to sharpen
p25: diagram fuzzy, sharpen
general approach: pedestrian network: interesting concept
however, not represented as such in document
good potential as discussed, but remember the evaluation is based on documents handed in not on what could be…
for urban circuits/  check: 
zones urbaines sensibles
copenhagen is on sample but not the only one
check this site for  a 3d graphic design proposal
try to find more case studies in cities with similar characteristics like johannesburg

chad dixon                                                      4/10
check spelling, capital letters
contents page: add page numbers
consider text layout in two columns
font for headings is difficult to read
page 3: abstract: avoid stereotypes by all means: johannesburg is the most popular destinations for all africans, for hope to make their dreams come true for increasing their income and living a better lifestyle.
p4-: no info
p6-10: info relevant?
p34: problem statement? why is it there? is it a result of the analysis? then it has to be phrased like that. it is to short and general.
p38: framework needs more explanation, not just bullet points
avoid fuzzy graphics like on p6, 31,32,
difficult to access the information and your train of thought re: intervention.
are you sure about the underground pedestrian passage?

annelide loetter                                               5.9/10
check spelling, capital letters
add your design to your our cover page once it is finalized as a 5th diagram?
content page:
p…. not necessary in every line, write ‘page’ as heading above the column and use numbers only?
intro: sectional intro; more of a sketch (and a very nice one), but make it relevant to your project. if it is important, refer to it  in the document or write a paragraph about what the words mean to your project.
it is not easy to follow how you use the graphics to develop your argument
some text to explain the analysis would be helpful
p24, 25: images need captions to explain the context they are used in
p 26: huge scale jump in relation to the 2 previous pages, caption on images might help to bridge it, create a link between images and graphic
p7-12: use images with captions or references (what do they represent)
p9: is the framework safe and accessible or is it a framework for a safe and accessible urban fabric?
p13-14: you might need to be more specific in how these different users will co-exist within your building once your design is more developed
p37-40: need sections to communicate
your design needs to become part of the overall framework…and once it is, all material needs to be looked at and possibly re-edited/ organized.  push this . . .

alexander thompson                                                   4/10
check spelling, capital letters
content page_ page numbers missing
abstract and introduction read differently, re-formulate re: your design proposal.
p6: relevant for the proposal?
p23,24: explain the origin of the crime statistics, where are they from?
p26: diagram is not easy to read
p26-31: link between analysis and design should be established, site, mall and park over railway have to be part of one design framework and should be related to each other in terms of access.
the document has to become more consistent in how the information is used and why it is relevant for the framework (analysis)
problem statement should be more explicit, linked to site in form of spatial analysis
so that the intervention can be evaluated: does it solve some of the existing challenges raised in the framework?

jodine maree                                                              5/10
general layout: purple background makes it difficult to read black text
green ribbon not necessary to repeat on pages
text might read better in 2 columns
check spelling! [we’ve discussed this far too often for it to be a repetitive theme]
p3: need page numbers
udf purpose: is not necessary to explain what it is, the document has to explain it through its content
p6: difficult to read
p7: johannesburg as we understand it today has a relatively short history. the first sentence is misleading. re-look at the paragraph as a whole, the history of johannesburg (and south africa) is slightly more complex. check your facts and then reference source.
p9: re-phrase
p12-13: layout, resolution, relevance of information for project?
micro context: main roads: how did you determine that these are the main roads? explain.
this refers to all mapping, for example low and high density buildings, how did you determine which building is low and which building is high density?
precinct scale: drawings are not sharp, lines appear fuzzy on some drawings
p39: how can an area stereotype? re-phrase or state explicitly.
building and framework have to be integrated, the pedestrian route does not necessary need to lead to a park (across the railway lines). the urban fabric can continue and provide space for pedestrian streets, that are responsive along the edges.

christopher atkins                                                      3/10
content page missing
structure missing
layout: drawings/ graphics not prominent enough
leave black strip at the bottom of the page and use the space for information/ content.
font size could be smaller
p11:relevance of sun study?
p12: the argument is not plausible, re-phrase.
p14: explain how you zoned the blocks, what data/ information is the zoning based on?
the diagram does not show building usage but ethnic zones, as the subtitle states. change heading
p15-19: a pedestrian and green network is surely a possible approach, yet there is no visible framework to date nor explanation for certain decisions, like how you are manipulating the transport routes. before and after illustrations might help. you have to draw 1:500 of your site and the immediate pedestrian network to start your framework from the building and develop it to a larger scale.

marc sherratt                                                              7.3/10
urgent: add content page – to give your project structure – and page numbers
abstract: add: explain the final project in relation to the general aim that you describe
photos objectives: reference, source. add captions to explain relevance, select illustrative photos carefully and choose those in good resolution. the general standard of your illustrations (diagrams, collages) is much higher than those of the photographs. try to keep the high standard throughout.
printing of text cut on some pages.
photo mapping: give numbers to all images (some are missing)
as discussed, sections will add to analysis and help with your design intervention, specifically with frontages and edge condition
rain and temperature statistics: show the relevance for the framework and your design…
design is missing at the moment, it will be important to link it to the analysis to develop a spatial framework. well done so far, keep thinking and drawing for the makings of a beautiful work.