next to the individual content, which we discussed extensively in class throughout the semester, some comments for all submissions:
each graphic needs a legend or a key. if you use colors - what do they mean, if you use symbols, what do they represent? remember, a map without a legend is meaningless.
each plan, section, elevation need a scale, plans need north orientation
link plans to sections and elevation (indicate where the cutting lines are, name sections and elevations accordingly)
caption photographs and give diagrams a title, graphics have a meaning and are part of your narrative, not simply illustrations
make sure your maps display what you want to show (edges, densities, movement etc), use color if needed
make sure you use the right title for your graphics, google the meaning if you are uncertain ( example:
urban morphology 'is the study of the form of human settlements and the process of their formation and transformation...Typically, analysis of physical form focuses on streetpattern, lot (or, in the UK, plot) pattern and building pattern, sometimes referred to collectively as urban grain' (wikipedia)
figure ground refers to the relationship between an object and its surrounding, the object in the urban context being the building)
we went through those definitions, surly you'll remember.
your project is part of an existing context, make sure it is clearly readable what your intervention is, what you change (before - after illustrations help)
check spelling