
framework comments

will post the rest soon.  but to begin the discussion we start with these . . .

letsoisa – ecological urbanism
abstract page should follow contents page.  structure of contents page is understandable.  even at this stage, pages need to be numbered, following a discernable narrative.  abstract page sets up in intriguing argument, which you now have to follow to completion for a rich project.  the link should be the link between builtform [structure], greenery [landscape] and people [actors].  keep trying to make the structure more succinct so that you may then do – a, b + c.  why are pages printed upside down?  is this a concept?  if it is, it fails to work.
historical analysis is thin.  joburg has a rich and complex history, which cannot be explained in a paragraph of 200 words.  images, drawings, maps et al would enhance the explanation of joburg’s development.  as much as i don’t support wikipedia, have a look-see of their structure in describing joburg, if you are stuck as how to proceed.  timelines are a good way to say something.
context is also thin.  joburg has infrastructure.  roads, freeways, waterbodies etc.  you need to say much more before you get to the landuse map, which should be a larger scale, as in showing more of joburg’s landuse and not just a pretty graphic.  where is this in context?  what do you mean, status quo?
vehicular movement cannot be just local as depicted in the project.  the city is more than just the demonstrated 10 routes exhibited.
the manner in which the document is printed makes it difficult to access. 
it is though an interesting beginning, which, with the appropriate interrogation would result in a fantastic study.  you should have been at this stage 2 weeks after project handout.  i fear you might be leaving things a little too late.  30%

almeida – sustainable energy tower [?]
contents should be:
1.     intro
2.     history
3.     analysis
4.     research + case studies
5.     concept
6.     udf
7.     conclusion
8.     refs
have a look at by ikemeleng + 26’10 for direction + orientation.

figure 1.  location map is too local.  we need to know your site in relation to the greater gauteng area before you zoom in onto the site.  figure 3.  under highway.  what highway?  be specific when describing the city + urban space.  the meandering nature of the project makes it difficult to access and decipher.  spend some time restructuring it for a finer and deeper narrative.  make the case studies, douglas village, brickfields + cosmo much more stronger and integrated into your project.  use these to justify what you are doing and how you will do it.  not quite sure what we are learning from braamfontein except how the rich play and consume the city from plushysafe heights.  hammer home joburgs historical development, especially the lack of water, gold reserves and segregation, to justify and enhance the need for citywide connections + networks.  use the metropolitan scale map on page 15 as a base map for all your concepts + explorations with appropriate key.  the basemap, figure 17.  axis map for  more detailed illustrations, as a local | precinct scale context.  sections on page 22 need to be longer, showing more context and relationship of built + open space.  overall a finely tuned, well drawn and beautiful project, which with the proper structure can be a much required and educational cityscheme.  bring more of dewar & uytenbogaadrt concepts and illustrations.  50%

fernandes – urban frame work: johannesburg inner city
confusing title.  are you really going to produce a framework for the inner city?  your objectives are honourable and are a city requirement, the question is, will you be able to do this?  i think you can if you focus and use your time wisely.  contents need a history layer.  after reading and reading the document, i am still not sure or clear where it is going.  the observations i have are these:  objectives should be illustrated [as in the observation graphic, on page 5] since they are the components, which inform and direct the framework and they are strong.  through their illustration, only then will you be able to tell what is, and what is not, possible.  locality map on page 7 is thin.  the yellow circles are too prominent.  these can be expressed in a milder manner and other data should be displayed.  what is the point of mapping ethnic groups?  what is the map on page 9?  why are you illustrating massing on page 10?  what will this ultimately inform?  from what one reads, the project has an interesting genesis, asks the correct questions then abruptly terminates on page 5.  you need to structure this so that it has a coherent narrative because for now it ambles along.  i see more of newtown than of your site.  at this stage of the journey, this is disconcerting.  33%

badabili – urban informality [using the unused]
like the play on words of the title.  like saying the unsayable.  contents page has to be accompanied with page numbers or else it uninformative.  what is the purpose of point 5 in the contents page?  what role does it have in the greater scheme of things?  diagram illustrating the character of the area is too cryptic.  in your abstract, you mention the corner of fox + durban street numerously.  clearly this is a crucial corner and is pertinent to your project.  why, then is it not photographed extensively to illustrate the issues, like boundaries, publicness + informality, you raise?  esoteric photographs need captions and sources to assist in their communication.  objectives on page 2 are too complex:
§  to provide a status quo with regards to the proposed study area and surrounding areas of influence – if you can do this, then you are a genius who deserves a nobel peace prize + other human accolades.  just this one objective, would be enough as a way forward.
§  to provide a basis for future recommendations regarding mobility, infrastructure development, social etc. – is too complex an undertaking.  identify to simplify your objectives then do them.  this all the project requires you to accomplish.  identify 3 key issues then wrestle with these employing intellect, an academic discourse and appropriate graphics to make your argument then demonstrate your ability to unpack the argument and offer fitting and relevant solutions.
site interpretation and analysis_metropolitan scale, local scale, precinct area is incomprehensible.  what is the relevance of sithole’s journey?  what does the concept_collage mean?  you need to simply your project, make the narrative accessible to, firstly, yourself then to the reader.  you will need to use appropriate text + graphics to convey your thought as succinctly as possible.  the danger here, is that you may have left it too late.  you need to push to make this project come to fruition and to reach an acceptable submission.  20%

lundie – cultural fusion
clear + crisp structure.  remember, when all is said and done, you have to conclude.  excellent history page.  how about some images to supplement the text to make the text richer, like an image of chief moselekatsi, doornfontein farm or what newtown looked like back then.  beautiful graphics which are communicative.  on 2.1, name the airports and locate the rand airport as well.  be consistent with the spelling of medicine in zulu, it should either be muthi or muti, not both.  missing a scale between 2.2 and 2.3.  the jump presently, is too radical and disturbing.  find something comfortable, to illustrate your findings from 2.3 [page 12] onwards.  2.3 small scale mapping,, demographics, what does it add to your document?  building edges + height is where it at, but sections would have enhanced your findings and the beginnings of a spatial plan.  the photographic documentation is most welcome.  supplement it with your observations in a text format for a richer narrative.
3.1 nodes and connections, traveling possibilities . . . you state ‘through analysing movement patterns, public transport nodes as well as places of interest a new precinct is identified that should . . .’  ‘the idea is not to give this precinct a very harsh cut of boundaries but rather to establish an area . . .’  then you draw a precinct with a hard impenetrable black line.  why?  you mention public transport and movement, then your precinct boundary omits park station, mtn taxi rank and gandhi sq.  i find that perplexing.  overall a comprehensive and well research projects, with minor glitches here and there.  there is still time to fix these and really get into the framework for a strong submission.  70%

vollmer – intersection of durban street & berea street
table of contents is rather long and too much of it is on newtown + jeppestown.  that being said, 3 and 4 should contain the same heading, which will then be applied in maboneng, otherwise one compares apples and oranges.  why do you map pedestrian routes, landuse and zoning?  these will be different for different parts of the city.  what about the walking distances?  walking distances from what?  are these linked to public transport?  if so, what does this information translate to the maboneng precinct?  as much as the work done in the 2 precincts is commendable, the correlation to the study area is not clear and this is concerning since this should be the project.  what is the nature of your project and what are you doing to fulfil this?  this, ultimately, is the question.  presently the project remains vague and the sooner it is articulated the sooner one can engage with it in a critical manner.  we should meet soon.  25%

falconer – urban to detail
kudos for the preface and an engaging cover plus title.  intriguing table of contents.  the only concern is that the project appears well framed from 1 – 3.13.  what happens between 4 and 9?  is it a similar structure with subpoints?  you oscillate between city and suburb and city and suburban.  why?  city and suburb is clearer.  pick one and be consistent. metropolitan contextual maps are fine, just make sure the educational facilities are well covered – use the material you unpacked last semester at your intersection.  parktown boys, roseneath, rand girls, helpmekaar, etc.?  2.22 observations can be amplified with more images demonstrating traffic + pedestrian congestion issues and others.  project gets positive dose + injection of substance from 3.2 – 3.7.  well done.  substitute precedence with precedent.  overall, this has the genesis and the making of a brilliant document.  one hopes and prays that the initial energy isn’t lost to otherness or unfathomable added distractions.  73%

coter – linking people and places
excellent intro quote by ms jacobs.  strong contents, but where is the framework?  am i missing something?  is it under operation?  in line with your contents, it should be demonstrated after precedent.  speaking of, 4. precedent –  source and locate some local examples, we cannot always look over there to shape what is here.  the abstract addresses 2 different key issues:
1.     uncovering a hidden city by minimising segregation
2.     bringing 2 worlds together in a common space in order to reveal their hidden qualities

these may appear similar but are not.  get a clear and concise depiction of what you intend to do and then do it.  articulate this to yourself till you begin to fully grasp it and then make this your concept.  from then on, everything you do – transport, landmarks, suburbs, gateways and landuse – must relate to it.  the principles component of the document isn’t clear.
phase 2,on the vision graphic, is between maboneng and?  is it rissik, harrison or sauer?  if phase to is to link to newtown, then why terminate here?  this is also the case for small street, why does it terminate between pritchard and president?  project gets more confusing after the phase development perspective – whats with the sections?  what do they communicate?  why the larger font?  try to be clear to get an interesting project to move forward without too many unexplained questions.  50%


racing away

TV is enough
It is providing artificial friends and relatives to lonely people
What it is, is recurrent families
Same friends and relatives come back
Week after week after week after week
And they are wittier and they are better looking
And much more interesting and they are richer
Than your real friends and relatives
           1 Giant Leap


listen to this - find link below

"Cities have to start becoming the main providers of energy; we cannot go on consuming energy in the way we have." "The problem of climate change becomes a cultural problem—it is a cultural problem—because we have to make people believe in changing their way of living."
Raoul Bunschoten


references for urban design



what is it all for?

Some people went around interviewing dying patients but not one person said they regretted not making more money or not working harder. They all seemed to say their regrets were not spending more time with the people they loved and not traveling more and relating more to the world and the planet. – Track name: Ta Moko by 1 Giant Leap


hand in 1_proposal udf_feedback

hand in 1                proposal udf                                                              2 august
- focus, abstract: 300 words
- structure of document
- mapping methods and samples
- from architecture to urban design and vice versa:
conceptual approach from metro, local and precinct scale to building
- case studies
- theory references

evaluation criteria
all hand ins1-4 and requirements have to be met timeously. hand in 1-3 will be get a provisional mark for due performance as prerequisite for hand in 4. hand in 4 will evaluated as final document to be moderated in the portfolio exam. the marks are based on:

content                                                                                                                                                 40%
- idea and concept of urban design framework
- scales and layers covered, understanding of subject matter
- originality, innovation and relevance of idea

techniques                                                                                                                       40%
- research, method, process and presentation
- design, method, process and presentation

presentation                                                                                                                    20%
- clarity and quality of the presentation
- aesthetics and quality of visuals
- language
- completeness

one submitted document doesn't have a name and one document is still in my post box, I will comment on them later tomorrow.

- focus, abstract: 300 words
your abstract is fairly general and descriptive. at the moment it could apply to any project of the class. you have to make it distinctively yours, choose your main points of focus and elaborate on those. maybe investigate into the points of intensities, how do they operate, what are their specific characteristics, what can you learn that then informs the design process of the tower?
- structure of document
it looks generally like an acceptable proposal, but is not yet related to issues raised in your abstract that explain your design approach. the structure of your document is more than a list of unavoidable points, it is the backbone of your urban design argument, that integrates your tower design into the existing context on a variety of layers and scales. you have to give meaning to this page.
- mapping methods and samples
your samples for location and lighting lack text that explains why we are looking at this graphic, what you want to communicate with it. the reason ofr the change in scale of the locality map (from 1:15000 to 1:10000) is not obvious. what do you want to show, why do you change scale?
maroondah urban design framework: is this a case study or mapping method example? not explained.
- from architecture to urban design and vice versa:
conceptual approach from metro, local and precinct scale to building
not submitted
- case studies
the photographs of main street are in no way sufficient to understand the choice of the case study. what will you look at? different public spaces and their making? governance? cid politics? gentrification?
- theory references
not submitted
other: the existence of a concept is commendable and should be urgently integrated in the abstract and structure. hidden networks are certainly an interesting point of departure. all your activities have to focus on that, method, mapping, case studies.

provisional evaluation 35/100
content 15/40
techniques 10/40
presentation 10/20
- focus, abstract: 300 words
the abstract is not your opinion or the general explanation of what an urban design frame work is but needs to raise the leading question the urban design project focuses on and summarize the planned approach with relation to the building you will design. check spelling. you need a theme, an idea that relates the larger context to your building. there is none mentioned in this part.
- structure of document
you were asked to propose a provisional structure for your final document. there is no such proposal in your submission. please rework.
- mapping methods and samples
how will you use those methods in your work? what you propose does not cover enough layers and scales.
- from architecture to urban design and vice versa:
conceptual approach from metro, local and precinct scale to building
it is not possible to understand your concept, nor urban nor architectural.
- case studies
not submitted
- theory references
not submitted

provisional evaluation 20/100
content 5/40
techniques 10/40
presentation 5/20
- focus, abstract: 300 words
inconsistent usage of lower and upper case. the abstract is not your opinion but needs to raise the leading question the urban design project focuses on and summarize the planned approach with relation to the building you will design. informality is surely a valid starting point. however, you need to be more specific to use it as operational tool for your urban design framework.
- structure of document
seems appropriate as work in progress. shows some connection of issues raised in abstract, check the yeoville studio (wits) informal trading documentation on their website.
- mapping methods and samples
your maps are not precise enough and do not give a good idea on how you will proceed, what research methods you will apply. you need to work on a various scales and a variety of layers. use sections, not only plans. you need to investigate informal processes and find ways of illustrating them. in addition you might need to look into urban politics and policies re: formal and informal trade in johannesburg. you use a similar maps than some of your classmates, please reference them as group work. ethnic groups are not simply numbers and colours, they might use the city in various ways. same accounts for dangerous areas. what are your parameters, where is your legend? go from quantitative to qualitative analysis.
- from architecture to urban design and vice versa:
conceptual approach from metro, local and precinct scale to building
not submitted
- case studies
not submitted
- theory references
list needs to be extended and used in the document.

provisional evaluation 45/100
content 25/40
techniques 10/40
presentation 10/20
- focus, abstract: 300 words
rephrase first sentence. how do you uncover a hidden city by minimising segregation? isn’t it rather about uncovering a hidden city to then minimise segregation through your urban design framework? careful with categories like ‘lower, middle and upper class’. if you use them, you have to explain what they represent in your context. try to avoid stereotypes (the odd artist and the muffin). this does not question your general intention of joining different worlds in your framework and building. however, you will have to find professional ways to translate that into operational plans and spatial visions.
- structure of document
incomplete and very general. it does not relate at all to issues raised in the abstract. there is no point dealing with hidden layers or segregation. why?
- mapping methods and samples
transport map: not sure, what the map is supposed to tell. where is the information coming from, who collected it, when, where, how?
you need to give titles to your maps. some of the writing is too small to read. you use sections, but to not indicate how to link them to site. avoid generalities, you are not writing a textbook on urban design but preparing an urban design framework for a mixed use tower that you design. it is commendable that you start to work in section and seem to include that into the design process.
- from architecture to urban design and vice versa:
conceptual approach from metro, local and precinct scale to building
not supplied
- case studies
not supplied
- theory references
check spelling and reference system. you have a long list of reference, but it is difficult to understand how they are linked to your broader argument.
- other: check layout, your text is in danger of being cut at times (abstract). check spelling. you seem to have a site and programmatic ideas (cover page) but do not elaborate on this in the document. you need to link all elements that you work on and avoid generalities.

provisional evaluation 40/100
content 20/40
techniques 10/40
presentation 10/20
- focus, abstract: 300 words
interesting concept, but need more specificity in how it can be translated into a) an urban design framework and b) a building.
- structure of document
generally acceptable at this point as provisional outline. needs rework once the project develops.
- mapping methods and samples
provided examples are not extensive enough.
- from architecture to urban design and vice versa:
conceptual approach from metro, local and precinct scale to building
not submitted.
- case studies
you need to explain why and how you relate those projects to your investigation. it is not enough to use them as visual references.
- theory references
the same comment: show in your document how those references influence your project actively.
other: you need to explore, develop, set up the concept of the continuum, very specifically for your site in johannesburg. otherwise the concept remains a word. that would not be enough.

provisional evaluation 40/100
content 20/40
techniques 10/40
presentation 10/20
- focus, abstract: 300 words
the abstract needs to raise the leading question the urban design project focuses on and summarize the planned approach with relation to the building you will design. how does airport design relate to your site, if that is your chosen approach? you need to be specific, not general.
- structure of document
phase 1 asked for a provisional proposal for the final structure of your urban design framework. certain conventions, like introduction, conclusion, references need to be included. you might want to look at samples of last years work to get an idea of what is expected. it is good though, that you made a plan on how to move forward. you might have to include different scales, material and methods.
- mapping methods and samples
not submitted.
- from architecture to urban design and vice versa:
conceptual approach from metro, local and precinct scale to building
not submitted.
- case studies
not submitted.
- theory references
not submitted.

provisional evaluation 20/100
content 5/40
techniques 10/40
presentation 5/20
- focus, abstract: 300 words
the abstract needs to raise the leading question the urban design project focuses on and summarize the planned approach with relation to the building you will design. you need to develop an individual approach that responds to the general aims you list.
- structure of document
you were expected to propose a provisional version for the final udf document. your proposal is very thin. you need to explore more layers.
- mapping methods and samples
not submitted.
- from architecture to urban design and vice versa:
conceptual approach from metro, local and precinct scale to building
this is meant to be a spatial strategy from metro to building scale, not a number of maps with no further explanation. your 3d view is a good beginning but needs more work and information and less fuzziness in print.
- case studies
you need to name the authors of design work. how does newtown principles apply to your site? do they?
- theory references
very thin. gapp/ newtown is a precedent, not a theory reference.

provisional evaluation 25/100
content 10/40
techniques 10/40
presentation 5/20
- focus, abstract: 300 words
the abstract needs to raise the leading question the urban design project focuses on and summarize the planned approach with relation to the building you will design. you do not need to explain why urban design. focus on your project: the concept of grey.
- structure of document
seems appropriate for stage 1, add page numbers and adjust as the project develops. check spelling, be consistent.
- mapping methods and samples
how do these examples serve your purpose? method and samples are about ‘what’ and ‘how’ of the project. what do you want to illustrate how? how are you going to show your process, what kind of research will you explore? who else has worked in a similar way?
- from architecture to urban design and vice versa:
conceptual approach from metro, local and precinct scale to building
you use maps that seem to be group work. please reference them as such and credit the group. i don’t see how those maps communicate the concept of grey on a variety of scales…
- case studies
make drawings of your case studies and show which aspects relate to your site and approach. why do you look at them? in what way are they a role model for you? form, material, programme, section, plan, implementation?
- theory references
same here: explain why you make us look at the material. what is relevant of the ‘plan voisin’ today? maybe that it didn’t work as exected? check the urban think tank project in brasil, a project for a multifunctional public building, grotão - escola de música (music factory). it is located in grotão in the heart of the paraisópolis favela of são paulo. they did win the global holcim award silver 2012, it might be a relevant case study.

provisional evaluation 55/100
content 25/40
techniques 20/40
presentation 10/20
- focus, abstract: 300 words
the focus on the position of the site between urban and suburban is certainly a possible beginning. the same applies to the concept of weaving. but again, the abstract ultimately needs to raise the leading question the urban design project focuses on and summarize the planned approach with relation to the building you will design, not introduce the project. you need to rephrase, concentrate and clarify how you are going to weave, what and where? images need captions and should be related to the text and drawings.
- structure of document
you repeat information from page 3 on page4,5 and 6, why? the added graphics relate only superficially to the content. you don’t relate the structure to issues raised in the abstract. from the information supplied, the structure of the document is not clear.
- mapping methods and samples
there are no mapping methods and samples illustrated, only unreferenced maps produced. the link to cross border movements on page 7 is however interesting, maybe something to follow up?
- from architecture to urban design and vice versa:
conceptual approach from metro, local and precinct scale to building
not submitted
- case studies
not submitted
- theory references
not submitted
other: your text is difficult to read, in addition to general language/ phrasing, there are lots of spelling and punctuation mistakes that need to be corrected. your presentation needs accuracy.

provisional evaluation 25/100
content 10/40
techniques 10/40
presentation 5/20
- focus, abstract: 300 words
the abstract needs to raise the leading question the urban design project focuses on and summarize the planned approach with relation to the building you will design. rework the text once you have developed your design and the framework further. what does clean urban energy generation mean very specifically for your design in johannesburg?
- structure of document
appropriate for stage 1. it reads quite general at the moment. adjust and specify once you have more information.
- mapping methods and samples
- from architecture to urban design and vice versa:
conceptual approach from metro, local and precinct scale to building
is the maboneng precinct really a suburb and not simply the project of one developer in a suburb? you need to draw what you write about in the various scales, and scrutinize each layers under the aspect of ‘clean energy’ – you need to link your concept to your analysis. use sections in addition to plans. consider interview if applicable to human energy. find out how mixed use comes to life – through zoning and urban governance? re-use and adaptive structures? demand and supply of residents and city users? also for you: check the urban think tank project in brasil, a project for a multifunctional public building, grotão - escola de música (music factory). it is located in grotão in the heart of the paraisópolis favela of são paulo. they did win the global holcim award silver 2012, it might be a relevant case study for mixed use, clean energy, integrated building, from archi to urban and vice versa.
- case studies
interesting case studies. if you were not part of the mit/ chinese study, do not use ‘we’ or acknowledge the source. show more details of the project in drawings if you can.
- theory references
the relevance of the listed references has to come out in the final document. not all material has to be south african…

provisional evaluation 60/100
content 25/40
techniques 22/40
presentation 13/20
- focus, abstract: 300 words
approach (traditional healing) interesting, but not explained at all how it will be analysed  and applied on an urban and architectural scale. healing urban spaces is an abstract concept that needs to be translated somehow into space, otherwise it is of no purpose. the abstract needs to raise the leading question the urban design project focuses on and summarize the planned approach with relation to the building you will design.
- structure of document
you were expected to propose a provisional version for the final udf document. your proposal is very thin. you need to explore more layers.
- mapping methods and samples
not submitted.
- from architecture to urban design and vice versa:
conceptual approach from metro, local and precinct scale to building
not clear how the submitted maps relate to healing space? they are graphically beautiful but communicate little information; at times it is a zoom-in of the same map. if you use group work, reference it as such and acknowledge all group members.
- case studies
not submitted
- theory references
not submitted
- other: your work needs a title.

provisional evaluation 25/100
content 10/40
techniques 10/40
presentation 5/20
- focus, abstract: 300 words
the title is confusing with the repeated word exiting, which to refers - to go out of or leave a place, or as a noun, a way out, as as way out of a public building.  be clear.  in the context of your abstract, what does thorsten's quote elucidate?
it is only towards the end of the abstract that does a hint of the project explained.  the concept of "creating the possibility of a new independent subculture through the merging/fusion of different cultures" is interesting but might be somewhat nebulous.  it has to be structured and precise with a strong emphasis on how this will be done, especially after articulating what the different cultures are.  the concept regarding african and western medicine is dangerous.  perhaps it should be traditional medicine and western medicine.  be cognisant that medicine, regardless of its origin is a complex thing, but with proper and appropriate research, this could be an enlightening + worthy project.
- structure of document
somewhat thin.  a strong emphasis has to be on unpacking traditional and western medicine, the core of the project, so that when it comes to the mapping, appropriate maps are produced to reach and explain something.  define the nature of the problem and then the project.  you might unpack the structure of your current content page with the theme or sub-theme of medicine, as in 1.1   johannesburg historical and current medicinal landscape.
- mapping methods and samples
if you quote someone, make sure their name is spelt correctly.  what do the maps on page 2 + 3 add to the project in regards to the project's focus?
- case studies
- theory references
- other: title should be on the cover page along with the cool photograph, to give a sense of the project.  overall the document lacks structure and academic substance.  it appears to be haphazardly put together at the 11th hour.  pity since it has the begins of probing relevant concepts.

provisional evaluation 35/100
content 15/40
techniques 12/40
presentation 8/20
- focus, abstract: 300 words
consideration of arts on main as a production of ’a set of fantasies’ and confronting it with the mai mai market is an interesting point of departure. however, the abstract ultimately needs to raise the leading question the urban design project focuses on and summarize the planned approach with relation to the building you will design, not introduce the project. you need to sharpen your argument. how has the arts on main phantasy been produced? by whom? for whom? why? what is its success? downfall? what role does phantasy play for mai mai? compare the two institutions. how do they operate? spatially, socially, economically? in  in how can you instrumentalise it, manipulate it, learn from them? how is your building going to behave in this context? n-s versus e-w connection needs more attention. good start. relate images more to text.
- structure of document
generally a fair approach, but unfortunately not visibly related to interesting issues raised in your abstract. ethnic groups maybe,  but you need to interpret data you’ll collect and look behind the obvious. you use a similar maps than some of your classmates, please reference them as group work how is education linked to the creation of urban phantasies? explain.
i am interested in the dangerous spots. dangerous for whom? when? why? structure needs to become more specific in the next phase.
- mapping methods and samples
same comments apply to methods and samples. although graphically nicely presented, the choice of methods are not explained in relation to the main argument/ idea for the urban design approach. quantitative data and statistics are certainly not enough to understand and unfold an area of this complexity. your legends are at times too small to read. don’t forget to work in section, not only in plan. your site has a strong sectional component.
- from architecture to urban design and vice versa:
conceptual approach from metro, local and precinct scale to building
again, it is generally not wrong to connect different scales through traffic networks. but you need to be much more specific about the parameters that the project needs to inform the design of your tower  - will it become a traffic interchange, redirect flows, absorb them? your 1:10000 drawing shows exactly the same information than the 1:20000, just a smaller part of the precinct printed bigger – that is not good enough. use sections and make better use of your photos.
- case studies
need more precedent. and although the project is interesting, it is not clear, why and how it will inform your project.
- theory references
a beginning only.
- other: the title aids tower is nor explained neither related to in the document.

provisional evaluation 50/100
content 20/40
techniques 20/40
presentation 10/20
parsotam narayan
- focus, abstract: 300 words
remember that the abstract needs to raise the leading question the urban design project focuses on and summarize the planned approach with relation to the building you will design. you might want to focus more on the way how you propose to merge the formal and the informal, on an urban design level. check your spelling. caption images.
- structure of document
acceptable as work in progress. update and specify while proceeding in your project. 
- mapping methods and samples
do not use fuzzy images or graphics. indicate maps that are made as a group and credit group members. you collected a variety of maps in the submitted document, try to find a consistent way of mapping, include sections in your process work.
- from architecture to urban design and vice versa:
conceptual approach from metro, local and precinct scale to building
- case studies
relevant case study proposed, are there others?
- theory references
how do they relate to your project? list needs to be extended.
other: check spelling and layout consistency (text sizes etc)

provisional evaluation 50/100
content 20/40
techniques 20/40
presentation 10/20
- focus, abstract: 300 words
this is no abstract but a site description. the abstract needs to raise the leading question the urban design project focuses on and summarize the planned approach with relation to the building you will design.
- structure of document
introduce hierarchy and fix page numbers once you have produced more material.
- mapping methods and samples
only submitted as list, not as drawings or other visuals.
spine map a first beginning of authentic work.
- from architecture to urban design and vice versa:
conceptual approach from metro, local and precinct scale to building
locality map is poor in terms of information.
- case studies
not submitted.
- theory references
need to proof relevance of references in final document/ argument. list needs to be expanded.

provisional evaluation 30/100
content 13/40
techniques 12/40
presentation 5/20
schuyt van castricum
- focus, abstract: 300 words
the abstract needs to raise the leading question the urban design project focuses on and summarize the planned approach with relation to the building you will design, not introduce the project or general comments on architecture and urban design. correct language ( first sentence).
- structure of document
the content page is at the wrong place in the document. it is fairly general and needs to be adapted once your develop your design further.  why is land use point 2 and point 3.1? 5.5 informal activities by cover more than informal trading typologies. review chapter 3, the main chapter of your urban work as displayed here. remember that the whole document is an urban development framework. and is far more than a site plan, street sections and elevations.
- mapping methods and samples
your maps are difficult to read in black and white. you need to allocate scales to drawings. you need to work in section. your methods of site investigation should have more layers and scales.
- from architecture to urban design and vice versa:
conceptual approach from metro, local and precinct scale to building
not submitted.
- case studies
not submitted.
- theory references
not submitted.

provisional evaluation 40/100
content 15/40
techniques 15/40
presentation 10/20
- focus, abstract: 300 words
re-write ‘dissertation’ once you have finalized your approach. it is too general at this point and mixes approach, method and process. check the spelling. note that you do not produce a paper but an urban design framework.
- structure of document
generally acceptable at this point, needs specifics once developed. you need obviously to elaborate on the chapters of  physical context and others. use drawings to illustrate your words.
- mapping methods and samples
you started to map and draw, but you did not lay out what you are going to produce and how. it would be good to add that for yourself so you know what you are working towards to.
- from architecture to urban design and vice versa:
conceptual approach from metro, local and precinct scale to building
not submitted
- case studies
not submitted
- theory references
not submitted
- other: you have started to write your text, which is commendable. however, you need to reference where your information is sourced from (johannesburg general history part). use illustration (maps, sections, photographs) to accompany context description. you are working on an urban design framework, you do not need to explain what urban design is but produce it.
how does your title ‘mobius’ connect to the content of your document? do the contour lines of the cover page relate to your concept? how?

provisional evaluation 50/100
content 15/40
techniques 22/40
presentation 13/20