2 evaluation
the evaluation is a critical review of the analysis. the intention is to identify possible conflicts and opportunities that can feed into the concept of the design. the task is to graphically illustrate those constraints and possibilities and discuss the spatial development on a multitude of layers in various scales that go beyond the immediate and visible, like political issues, legal affairs, land values, historical development, sustainability. in this phase the larger context of possible interventions will be finally framed. the work can be done in groups with an individual conclusion that prepares the following phase, the urban design framework.
use the drawings produced for the analysis to evaluate your findings.
organize your information in two main categories -
1 possible conflicts | constraints
2 possible opportunities
separate the different layers you used in the analysis like -
politics, land values, history, neighbourhoods,
public and private spaces, movement patterns,
residual space, institutions, typologies,
densities, thresholds, architectures, programmes
rhythms, rules + regulations, access
identify the role your intersection plays on a larger and a very local scale with regards to the above mentioned layers re: constraints and opportunities
3 based on your findings, write a brief for possible interventions to improve the existing situation.
this will be the base for your urban design framework.
remember the three principles of contextual urbanism:
- it starts with a precise description of everything empirically encountered, while making no distinction between the planned and the unplanned or the physical and the non-physical. it aims to avoid qualitative judgements.
- it endeavours to distil a story, an image and a distinguishing characteristic from what it has encountered, while treating complexity and in some cases paradox as positive qualities.
- it formulates projects from the standpoint of the continuity of the city as analysed, and implements these projects as a series or more or less mutuallty independent interventions, of limited scale although with an impact on the whole.
from: wimby! hoogvliet, future, past and present of a new town, 2007, nai publishers
recommended format:
maximum 5 pages a3 landscape
hand out 19 march
preliminary presentation 22 march
final presentation + hand in 12 april
the submissions will be marked as follows:
content 40%
idea and concept for evaluation
scales and layers covered, understanding of subject matter
originality, innovation and relevance of scenarios
techniques 40%
research, method, process and presentation
presentation 20%
clarity and quality of the presentation
aesthetics and quality of visuals, language, completeness