from brief:
dates: every thursday, 8-8.30h, 15 min per word, 1-2 words per session, to be announced on the blog, first hand 22 march, final hand in 3 may 2012 8am.
access, edge condition, morphology, politics, programme, public, scale, threshold, typology
remember: all groups have to define all words
session 1- (was a long catch up session as we started later than planned)
access -- group 1
edge condition -- group 2
morphology -- group 3
politics -- group 4
programme -- group 5
public -- group 6
scale -- group 7
session 2_15 march_all groups to prepare:
to clarify:
the thursday sessions are meant for discussion and development
the first hand in 22 march will cover 4 words from the original list, propose a layout/ format and get feedback on content and graphical representation to allow room for improvements
the final hand in will cover all words from the original list, presented in reworked layout/ format
the dictionary is work in progress and cannot be produced in the last minute.
it requires engagement with the subject matter on a multitude of layers and the exploration of various ways of representation. it should stir the discussion within the class and teach you how to see, how to read context in its complexity.