
urban dictionary -- how to proceed…

the urban dictionary is basis for a discussion on urban matters.
it asks for a general definition of each term to start with, followed by a multi-layered detection of the subject matter within the south african context.
each subject requires an idea, a strategy/ working method on what to tell and how to show it.

these are some guidelines on how to start.

general: always visualize what you write. use architectural conventions to describe urban issues: plan, section, elevation. make a drawing, take a picture. write a caption.

sampling: use separated sheets for the different layers: one (or more) for the general spatial definition, one (or more) for the personal experiences, one (or more) for changes over time etc. if you don’t know where to start, sit down and brainstorm, write down everything that comes to mind in reference to the word. then take a walk and try to or find situations/ moments in real life that capture the word. make a drawing, take a picture. write a caption.

every thursday each group has to present a word of their choice from the given list:

1 -- word (for example morphology) in arial 72pt
2 – general definition
first use a common dictionary, not wikipedia, then try to locate more specific explanations, uses of the word, relate it to space and urban context
3 – personal experience
what does the word mean to you, how did/do you experience it ?
4 – international/ south african context –
outline choice of examples, what to you want to compare and contrast?
5 – changes over time
relate subject matter to major political/ historical changes, set up a timeline
6 – sa case studies physical/ non-physical
identify what you can see and what you can’t see but what influences, defines, changes the word you are exploring, illustrate with graphics
Note: This point is closely linked to ‘changes over time’.
7 – visuals
choose specific ways to illustrate each word, will you do panoramas on different times of the day, will you use arial photographs, will you take images of different entrances, public spaces etc.
this is not a different category/ point but something you will use to demonstrate other points

the urban dictionary is meant to be illustrative (drawings and photographs) complemented by explanatory text, not the other way around.