Video walk through of the site was a brilliant medium to employ and was well executed, good use of effects and accents to highlight/pinpoint pertinent observations. Would suggest that sound be incorporated into film to capture the sound-scape and add another layer to composition.
Good observations and analysis, ranging from obstacles along sidewalks or pathways to sun studies. Analysis seemed to focus exclusively on the negative aspects of the site, with little mention of elements that ‘worked’ on the site. Would have appreciated to hear what the local urban voices that traverse and habit the site [employees, entrepreneurs, students, car marshals etc] had to say about the site.
3D model was exceptional in that it was able to communicate the volumes/ heights/ depths/ spaces within the site.
Would suggest that group undertakes study of various land uses and integrate data already compiled to construct a narrative that will plot how the different uses on the site contribute and are a component of the type of person [diversity] who, lives, works, plays, studies etc on the site.
Suggest the group engages council urban planners, their plans, objectives policies etc.
Good collaborative work. The group members’ observations and views came across as one continuous thread. One could a positive team spirit.