
braamfontein comments - group 3 - external examiner's

Good body of work. The work came across as bold and confident with a clear grasp of what to acquaint the audience with, although it must be said that it was rather one-paced. Views observations where well communicated, good lexicon, accept for the use of “I” by some group members. Interviews were held with a number of local players yet none of these dialogues were discussed in the presentation.

Some good sections with others needing some work to be read more legibly, need to revise colours utilized. Information compiled seemed comprehensive, group was let down by fragmented work parcels, one can’t help but feel that some of the work slipped through the cracks as a result. Day/Night video was an excellent venture, it incorporated sound as heard on the street, the presentation really came alive at this point for me, but alas was short lived [this is a powerful tool, would recommend it to be worked on and better utilized].

Would suggest a study on land uses, they are a number of public /state run entities on the site and this must have a particular effect on the area.

Suggest the group engages council urban planners, their plans, objectives policies etc.