task 1 could have been a more discerning and perspicacious layer. the drawing of shara nelson takes up too much unjustified space and what is it communicating? also the lift + windows in protection convey very little meaning. these have to work in tandem with the text to articulate a narrative. a legend would have assisted in accessing a journey in reaction graphic. the project get very meaty in task 2, a journey in frames. clearly the author had fun with this component of the project. the frames are priceless renderings. rich, beautiful + engaging. but they stop there. what do the numbers mean? if i am in frame 3, 23 or 45, where am i? a plan + text are more than necessary here to grant life and locality of the frames. then a rich storyboard would have emerged, guiding the viewer through a journey in frames. this is a pity because the missing layer/s betrays the richness and fertility of the drawings. good work.